Aalto Creative Futures
Our society is facing an unprecedented tidal wave of change. Aalto Creative Futures highlights the power of creativity for making impact outside its traditional contexts of design, art and culture.
Aalto university is engaged in promoting importance of creative fields and connected future internationally. This website is first iteration of promoting Creative Futures. We are inviting everyone to participate in this journey along with prominent, active groups and organization internationally.
We are conceptualizing and visualizing communication material for influencing societal impact on creative fields, which includes series of Visual Narratives and Data Visualisations for various communication channels.
Email: Creativefutures@aalto.fi
Creative team
Julia Sand
Ilkka Malin
Leo Kosola
- Ajankäyttötutkimus
- Vapaa-ajan osallistuminen
- Yritysten tiedot oikeudellisten yksiköiden (y-tunnus) tietoihin perustuen
- Commissioned dataset with AML2016 profession listing and TOL2008 industry listing (2016)
- LuokitusEkspertti
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